As the number of girls being cared by Prax Foundation Roots in Sri Lanka is increasing all the time, it became evident that the facilities at our two orphanages in Adampan and Murunkan desperately required upgrading. We are delighted to share the news that all our refurbishments have now been completed at Murunkan. This has included a full refurbishment and repair of the boarding house and study area. It makes such a difference to the girls, and is all made possible by donations to Prax Foundation Roots.

As well as supporting the welfare of children at orphanages in Adampan, Murunkan and Trincomalee, Prax Foundation Roots has recently given funds to a primary school in Jaffna, in the northernmost tip of Sri Lanka. We are pleased to report that the children at the school are all doing well, despite the hardships in their country. They still experience the power cuts that have affected the whole of Sri Lanka, but these mainly seem to occur in the middle of the night when the children are sleeping.

Currently, there are 515 boys and girls who attend the school in Jaffna, with even more expected to be admitted next year. The children recently dressed up to celebrate a national Sri Lankan holiday, and learnt a new song and dance in English.