Read on for the latest updates from Adampan and Murunkan, the two orphanages in Sri Lanka maintained by the Prax Foundation Roots…

Thank-you to all members of Prax Group staff who kindly donated gifts for the Prax Foundation Roots “Love In A Box” initiative. Every Christmas, the teams in the Group’s offices in the UK get together to lovingly pack presents which are given to each girl to show that we are thinking of them. The girls at our orphanages in Adampan and Murunkan made an occasion of receiving their gifts, and they all dressed up especially. The presents go a very long way to making the girls feel truly special, and they all really enjoy receiving these tokens of our affection.

On 14th January, the girls at our orphanage in Adamapan marked Tamil Thai Pongal Day – a celebration to thank the sun and the animals that families typically own (such as cattle), that contribute to a plentiful harvest. Generally celebrated over four days, Pongal also marks the beginning of the Tamil month of Thai, which is considered an auspicious month. In addition to being the name of the festival, “Pongal” is also the name given to the boiled rice dish which is eaten during the festival. Derived from the Tamil word “pongu” (which means “to boil over”), a pot of rice milk is boiled over, symbolising abundance and prosperity.

Gandys International – the company founded by brothers Rob and Paul Forkan, who devastatingly lost their parents in the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami – have generously donated 600 pairs of flip-flops, along with T-shirts and travel books, to Prax Foundation Roots, that were sent to our orphanages in Sri Lanka. The shipment arrived safely in Sri Lanka, and the girls in our Murunkan orphanage wasted no time in trying them on!

Finally, regular readers will remember that Dinoja, one of the girls from our Adampan orphanage, joined her local netball team. We’re delighted to let you know that she’s doing brilliantly, and the team were recently awarded with medals for their performance. Well done, Dinoja!