The girls at our orphanages in Adampan, Murunkan and Trincomalee in Sri Lanka will soon be receiving the Love In A Box packages that the team in the Prax Group’s Weybridge office lovingly put together, to show the girls that we are thinking of them. Due to various restrictions relating to COVID-19, the boxes haven’t yet reached the girls; however, rest assured that we will share images with you all as soon as we are sent them from Sri Lanka. In the meantime, we can share a sneak peek (above) of what the girls will each be receiving.

Not that the girls in our Adampan orphanage went empty-handed, however. Just before Christmas, they were treated to new skirts, dresses and backpacks, and took great pride in lining up for photos to show them off.

As the number of girls being cared for at the orphanage is increasing all the time, it became evident that the facilities they use desperately required an upgrade. Work has therefore continued unabated to overhaul the bathrooms at the orphanage and install new toilets. Not an easy feat by any means, as the associated infrastructure needed updating at the same time, but it will be a massive benefit to the girls once the work has been completed. Not long to go, hopefully!