Read on for updates from Adampan and Murunkan, two orphanages in Sri Lanka maintained by the Prax Foundation Roots…
The girls at our orphanage in Adampan have been making the most of the recently refurbished building and landscaped outside space, posing in new T-shirts bought for them by especially the nuns who take care of them.

The refurbishments have also provided the girls with a proper space in which to celebrate Children’s Day, which is marked annually in Sri Lanka on 1st October. The intention of this national day is to raise awareness across the island about the rights of children. As part of the celebrations, the girls enjoyed a day trip exploring more of the local area around the orphanage.

The girls have also been continuing to look after the chickens, that you may remember from our update in June 2020. Although it looks like the chickens have increased their numbers somewhat!

Finally, we’re delighted to report that the local Adampan netball team has benefitted recently from an extra member! Dinoja, from our Adampan orphanage, joined the team and plays for them regularly (she is pictured below holding the ball after a recent game).

Meanwhile, the girls and nuns at our orphanage in Murunkan are busily preparing for 5th February 2022, the date which marks a century of the order of Apostolic Carmel Sisters in Sri Lanka. Given the years of selfless dedication that the Sisters have shown to the girls in their care, this is definitely cause for celebration!

The girls are continuing with their studies, and were recently rewarded with new stationery, which they took great delight in showing off, posing for a photo outside the main building of the orphanage.

The girls’ gardening efforts are also well and truly bearing fruit – both literally as well as figuratively! Of course, all that gardening is tiring work, so we don’t blame the girls for stopping to enjoy a well-deserved ice-cream!